Monday, May 23, 2016

ZoIPer for iOS

ZoiPer for iOS

ZoiPer is an IAX & SIP multilanguage VoIP soft client (softphone) meant to work with any IP-based communication system and infrastructure. Zoiper is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and supports the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Polish and Magyar.
You can download it here

General Configuration

  • Start Zoiper Softphone
ZiOs basic 1.PNG

  • Click on Config icon on the Zoiper screen
ZiOs basic 2.jpg

  • Click on the " + " icon to add an account
ZiOs basic 3.jpg

  • Select SIP or IAX account. This guide was made using a SIP account but the settings are similar, notice that the protocol must be the same as the one you set on your SIP account
ZiOs basic 4.jpg

  • Fill in the fields with your SIP account information
    • Account: Choose a name for your account.
    • Host: (one of our multiple servers)
    • Username: 100000 (your main or sub account)
    • Password: ********* (account password)
ZiOs basic 5.jpg

Audio Codec Configuration

  • Go to "Audio Codecs" section
ZiOs basic audCodec 1.jpg

  • Unselect all the codecs, leaving only GSM and u-law selected.
ZiOs basic audCodec 2.jpg

Configuring ZoIPer to start with the phone

Under the SIP account's settings on ZoiPer, please go to "Network Settings"

ZiOs basic netSetting 1.jpg

Then, activate "Enable on Start"

ZiOs basic netSetting 2.jpg

Registering the account

Now that you have configured your account (or sub account) in ZoiPer, go to the top of the Account's setting screen and click on "Register"

ZiOs basic Register 1.jpg

If everything is correct, you should see a message that says "Registration Status: OK"

ZiOs basic Register 2.jpg

Configuring ZoiPer to keep running all the time

Some customers mention that ZoiPer loses registration, this is because iOS closes the internet connection and the app after some time without use. You can configure ZoiPer to force to keep alive the Wi-Fi connection and keep running the app in the background. To achieve that, open ZoiPer and go to Settings then select "Incoming calls"

ZiOs keep awake 1.PNG

Once there enable both options
ZiOs keep awake 2.jpg


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