Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10 Chi Tiết

Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10 Chi Tiết

Trước tiên, khi cài đặt windows 10 thì anh em cần chuẩn bị chiếc USB boot hoặc DVD chưa có bộ cài.
Nếu anh em nào chưa biết cách tạo Boot cho USB thì có thể truy cập bài viết “Cách tạo usb boot để cài đặt win 10” để tham khảo.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Việc anh em cần tiếp theo là cắm usb vào máy, sau đó vào BIOS chọn Boot từ USB hoặc CDROM

Danh sách phím truy cập BIOS theo mainboard

  • Mainboard ASRock – Bấm phím F2
  • Mainboard ASUS – Bấm phím DELPrint hoặc F10.
  • Mainboard GIGABYTE – Bấm phím Del để vào BIOS Setup Utility.
  • Mainboard Intel – Bấm phím F2 để vào BIOS Setup Utility.
  • Mainboard MSI (Micro-Star) – Bấm phím DEL để vào BIOS Setup Utility.

Danh sách phím truy cập BIOS theo dòng máy


  • Để vào được BIOS khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn phím Vaio Assist

Laptop HP – COMPAQ

  • Một số dòng máy của HP thì bạn sẽ phải bấm F10 để vào BIOS.
  • Để vào được BOOT khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F9

Laptop ACER

  • Để vào được BOOT khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F12
  • Để vào được BIOS khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F2.

Laptop ASUS

  • Để vào được BIOS khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F2
  • Để vào được BOOT khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím ESC


  • Để vào được BIOS khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F2
  • Để vào được BOOT khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F12

Laptop DELL

  • Để vào được BIOS khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F2
  • Để vào được BOOT khi khởi động lại máy tính bạn cần nhấn và giữ phím F12

Tiến hành cài đặt Windows 10 theo các bước như sau

Cài đặt Windows 10
Tiếp đến anh em sẽ vào được màn hình chọn ngôn ngữ, cài đặt định dạng ngày giờ và bàn phím
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Click Install để bắt đầu cài đặt
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Tiếp theo anh em sẽ chọn phiên bản mà anh em muốn cài đặt, tùy vào bộ cài mà anh em sử dụng, sẽ có các phiên bản khác nhau cho 32bit hoặc 64bit
Tiếp theo anh em chọn Agree và Next để qua bước kế tiếp, ở bước này, anh em có 2 tùy chọn, 1 là update windows, 2 là cài mới, mình thường chọn cài mới vì sẽ hạn chế các file rác từ windows cũ.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Bước tiếp theo rất quan trọng, anh em cần phải cẩn thận khi làm bước này, đó là bước chọn ổ đĩa cài đặt, ở bước này, nếu như anh em cài ổ cứng mới thì đơn giản, chỉ việc chọn ổ đĩa, chọn New và chọn dung lượng cho ổ C rồi Windows sẽ tự chia cho chúng ta như hình bên dưới
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Còn nếu chúng ta cài lại Win từ ổ có sẵn thì sao? Anh em có thể chọn đúng phân vùng chứa Win cũ và cài đặt vào đó.
Lưu ý nếu anh em chọn Format thì sẽ mất dữ liệu nhưng ổ C sẽ nhẹ hơn và nếu có virus thì cũng sẽ bị xóa đi, còn nếu anh em chọn cài đè lên, những dữ liệu cũ sẽ được lưu thành 1 thư mục tên là Windows.old, và có thể lấy lại sau khi cài win xong. Anh em có thể tùy chọn việc này nhé.
Lưu ý anh em 1 điểm nhỏ là khi anh em cài đè thì một số trường hợp anh em sẽ gặp như hình sau, cách đơn giản theo kinh nghiệm của mình là anh em cứ chọn cái đầu tiên, lúc đó Windows sẽ tự sửa lại boot manager vào các lần khởi động sau.
Tiếp theo thì anh em chỉ việc để cho Windows tự động cài đặt

Tiếp theo mình sẽ hướng dẫn anh em cách setup account, sau khi màn hình trên chạy xong, anh em sẽ được chuyển vào màn hình sau
Các bước này là cấu hình lại ngày giờ, ngôn ngữ bàn phím bên mình bỏ qua nhé.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Tiếp theo, nếu đây là máy cá nhân, anh em chọn tùy chọn ” Set up for personal use“, còn nếu như máy công ty thì nhờ mấy anh IT làm dùm nhe :D
Ở bước này, nếu anh em có tài khoản Microsoft thì cứ sử dụng mà đăng nhập, tuy nhiên nếu anh em ko có, thì chọn “Offline account ” ở góc trái nhé
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Bước này anh em sẽ bị chào mời sử dụng MS account, anh em chọn “No” nhé
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Kế tiếp là nhập tên người sử dụng máy tính vào, anh em có thể đặt tên gì cũng được. Lời khuyên của mình là không nên có khoảng trắng nhé.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Bước này anh em nhập 2 lần mật khẩu nhé.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 10
Cuối cùng anh em có thể chọn sử dụng hoặc không sử dụng Cortana.
Bên trên là bài viết hướng dẫn chi tiết các bước cài đặt Windows 10, hy vọng bài viết sẽ giúp được anh em khi phải tự mày mò cài lại windows cho mình hoặc người thân. Chúc bạn thành công!
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Saturday, June 23, 2018

How To Install PrestaShop In Local Host Using XAMPP

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uca1upYp3nw" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How to Install SuiteCRM on CentOS 7

SuiteCRM is a fork of the popular customer relationship management software SugarCRM. It is a free and open source alternative to SugarCRM. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL / MariaDB to store its data.
SuiteCRM does not have a minimum hardware requirement, the requirements increases as the users of the application increases. For optimal performance, you should use a server with 1GB RAM. To follow this tutorial, you will need a server with minimal CentOS 7 installed. All the required dependencies will be installed throughout the tutorial. You will also need root access or sudo access on your server. If you are logged in as non root user, run sudo -i to switch to root user.
Installing SuiteCRM
Before installing any package it is recommended that you update the packages and repository using the following command.
yum -y update 
To install SuiteCRM, you will need to install a web server, PHP and database server. In this tutorial, we will be installing the Apache web server with PHP 7.0 and MariaDB as a database server.
To install Apache web server run the following command.
yum -y install httpd 
To start the Apache web server and enable it to start at boot time, run the following command.
systemctl start httpd systemctl enable httpd 
Although SuiteCRM can be installed on earlier versions of PHP, we will be installing it on the latest version of PHP which is PHP 7.0. The default YUM repository contains PHP version 5.4 only, hence we will need to use the Webtatic repository to install a version of PHP greater than 5.5. Run the following commands for installing EPEL repository as EPEL repository is required before we install Webtatic repository.
yum -y install epel-release yum -y update yum clean all
Now install Webtatic repository using the following commands.
rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm yum -y update
To install PHP 7.0 and all the required PHP modules, run the following command.
yum -y install php70w php70w-mysql php70w-xml php70w-json php70w-gd php70w-mbstring php70w-zip php70w-imap php70w-pcre php70w-zlib php70w-curl
Once PHP is installed, you will need to configure few thing in php.ini configuration.
Open /etc/php.ini using your favorite editor.
nano /etc/php.ini
If you do not have nano installed, you can install it using
yum -y install nano.
Scroll down to find the following lines.
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
; http://php.net/memory-limit
memory_limit = 128M
Although 128MB for PHP is enough for SuiteCRM, but you may increase it to higher amounts for faster processing of the application.
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
; http://php.net/upload-max-filesize
upload_max_filesize = 2M
Change the max upload to at least 20 MB. It should look like as shown below.
upload_max_filesize = 20M
Once done, restart Apache web server using the following command.
systemctl restart httpd
Now install MariaDB database server using the following command.
yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server
Start MariaDB and enable it to start at boot time using the following commands.
systemctl start mariadb systemctl enable mariadb
Now run the following command to secure your MariaDB installation.
It will run a small script which asks you to provide the root password for MariaDB. As we have just installed MariaDB, the root password is not set, just press enter to proceed further. It will ask you if you want to set a root password for your MariaDB installation, choose y and set a strong password for the installation. It will further ask you for removing test databases and anonymous users. Most of the questions are self-explanatory and you should answer yes to all the questions.
Now you will need to create a database with database user to store SuiteCRM data. To create a database we will need to login to MySQL command line first. Run the following command for same.
mysql -u root –p
This will prompt you for the root password, provide the root password of MySQL which you have set earlier. Now run the following query to create a new database for your SuiteCRM installation.
CREATE DATABASE suitecrmdata;
The above query will create a database named suitecrmdata. For the database, you can use any name you prefer in the place of suitecrmdata.
Make sure that you use semicolon at the end of each query as the query always ends with a semicolon. Once the database is created you can create a new user and grant all the permissions to the user for the database. Using root user is not recommended for the databases. To create a new database user, run the following query.
CREATE USER 'suitecrmuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'StrongPassword';
The above query will create a user with username suitecrmuser. You can use any preferred username instead of suitecrmuser. Replace StrongPassword with a strong password. Now provide the appropriate privileges to your database user over the database you have created. Run the following command:;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON suitecrmdata.* TO 'suitecrmuser'@'localhost';
Now run the following command to immediately apply the changes on the database privileges.
Exit MySQL prompt by executing exit command.
Once done, you can download the SuiteCRM using the following command.
cd /opt wget https://suitecrm.com/files/152/SuiteCRM%207.7/105/SuiteCRM-7.7.8.zip
At the time of writing the tutorial, the latest version of SuiteCRM is 7.7.8. You can always check for the latest version on SuiteCRM download page.
Extract the files using the following command.
unzip SuiteCRM-7.7.8.zip
If you do not have unzip installed, you can run yum -y install unzip.
The above command will extract the files in SuiteCRM-7.7.8 directory. Move all the files to the web root directory of Apache web server using the following command.
mv SuiteCRM-7.7.8/* /var/www/html cd /var/www/html
Provide the ownership of the files to the Apache web server user by running the following command.
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
Adjust SELinux permissions using the following commands.
chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t /var/www/html setsebool httpd_can_network_connect_db=on setsebool httpd_can_network_connect=on setsebool httpd_can_sendmail=on setsebool httpd_unified=on
Now you can go to your favorite browser and browse the following link.
http://serverIPaddress Or http://yourdomain.comYou will see following interface.
Accept the license agreement and Choose a language for installation. Click Next to go further. Installer will now check for the system requirements. If you have followed this tutorial, you should see that all the requirements are met.
Click Next to proceed further. In next interface, you will be required to provide the database credentials and Admin user credentials.
Provide the database name which we have created earlier, provide the hostname
localhost and the username and password of the database user.
In administration user, provide the admin username password. Choose a URL for your SuiteCRM instance and your email address.
In More Options, you can choose to import the demo data provided by the installer. It can help you evaluate the product. For a production installation, you may not want to import anything. Choose accordingly.
In Scenario Selection, you can choose that which modules should be activated in the application. You can also modify this setting in administration settings once it's installed.
In SMTP Server Specification, you can specify the SMTP server by which SuiteCRM will send emails. You can use the settings for email providers like Gmail, Yahoo Mail or you can also choose to provide SMTP server for other application as well. Provide the hostname for your SMTP server and choose a port on which SMTP is running on the mail server. Select SMTP authentication checkbox and provide your email address and password for your mail account. Select if you want to use SMTP over SSL or TLS. Select Allow users to use this account for outgoing email: if you want your users to use the email to send the emails from their account.
In Branding option you can provide the name of your organization and its logo. Name of your organization will appear on the title bar and the logo will appear in the place of SuiteCRM logo.
In System Locale settings you can choose the data and time format for your application. Choose a time zone for your application and also provide which currency you wish to use with your CRM application. These settings will be considered as the default settings, but users can modify this according to their need.
In Site Security option you can specify a custom directory for your Sessions and Logs. Click Next to proceed further. It will now generate the configuration file and will place it on the system. It will also write the data on the database.
Once the installation finishes, you will be automatically taken to the login screen.
Log in using the administrator credentials provided during installation and you will see SuiteCRM dashboard as shown below.
SuiteCRM installation is now finished.
To automatically run SuiteCRM scheduler, you will need to add a cron job in your system. Run the following command to open your crontab file.
crontab –e
Add the following line at in the file.
    *    *    *    *    *     cd /var/www/html; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
Save and exit from editor.
In this tutorial, we have learned to install SuiteCRM application on CentOS 7 server. You can now deploy the application to increase the productivity of your organization.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

35 Great free Asterisk applications

Hi, I was looking round on the Internet and saw there was no definitive list of free applications available for use with Asterisk, so I thought I'd compile a list for you all. If there's anything that you know of that is actively maintained but not in the list below, let me know (bear in mind I'm not including distros or Asterisk packagings in this list).

Hopefully there are a few programs in the list that even the most seasoned Asterisk professionals have not seen before.

Flash Operator Panel

Flash Operator Panel is a switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX. It runs on a web browser with the flash plugin. It is able to display information about your PBX activity in real time. The layout is configurable (button sizes and colors, icons, etc). You can have more than 100 buttons active per screen. On the Live Demo there are 28 buttons defined. It also supports contexts: you can have one server running and many different client displays (for hosted PBX, different departments, etc). It can integrate with CRM software, by poping up a web page (and passing the CLID) when a specified button is ringing.


AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface) is a way of running programs or scripts which are external to Asterisk. PHP AGI is a library for PHP which simplifies writing AGI scripts.

Web Meetme

Web-MeetMe is a suite of PHP pages to allow for scheduling and managing conferences on an Asterisk PBX.


Oreka is a modular and cross-platform system for recording and retrieval of audio streams. The project currently supports VoIP and sound device based capture. Recordings metadata can be stored in any mainstream database. Retrieval of captured sessions is web based.

FreePBX is a full-featured PBX web application. If you've looked into Asterisk, you know that it doesn't come with any "built in" programming. You can't plug a phone into it and make it work without editing configuration files, writing dialplans, and various messing about.

FreePBX simplifies this by giving you pre-programmed functionality accessible by a user-friendly web interfaces that allows you to have a fully functional PBX pretty much straight away with no programming required.

FreePBX also comes as a distro

Areski CDR Stats

Asterisk-Stat is a visualisation layer for Asterisk CDR statistics which are pulled from a database. It provides graphs as well as allowing you to get more information on individual calls.


sipsak is a small command line tool for developers and administrators of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications. It can be used for some simple tests on SIP applications and devices.

Asterisk PhoneBook

A common shared phone book directory based on CMS/LAMP and build for Asterisk PBX, store name and number into MySQL which will be used by each workstation browser, also by telephones with embedded XML-browser feature.

Asterisk Desktop Assistant

Asterisk Desktop Assistant is a desktop call management application for Windows PCs.  Asterisk Desktop Assistant (ADA) is Digium?s first step towards offering a comprehensive Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) suite.  It makes dialing and handling phone calls simpler and faster by adding click-to-call functionality into popular desktop applications.  It also adds call notifications directly to the Windows desktop.


A2Billing combined with Asterisk now gives any Telecom company a very good reason to consider the A2Billing Soft-Switch over the traditional offerings for TDM and VoIP Soft-Switches as well as wholesale and IP PBX billing, particularly when you consider the cost of A2Billing ? FREE!


AstBill is not only a free web-based, user friendly billing interface for Asterisk and VOIP. It is also a Asterisk configuration and GUI management tool and a standardized implementation of Asterisk using REALTIME and static configuration as you please.


Oslec is an open source high performance line echo canceller. When used with Asterisk it works well on lines where the built-in Zaptel echo canceller fails. No tweaks like rxgain/txgain or fxotrain are required. Oslec is supplied as GPL licensed C source code and is free as in speech.

Oslec partially complies with the G168 standard and runs in real time on x86 and Blackfin platforms. Patches exist to allow any Zaptel or DAHDI compatible hardware to use Oslec. It has been successfully tested on hardware ranging from single port X100P FXO cards to dual E1 systems.


AppKonference is a high-performance Asterisk voice/video conferencing module. It's basically a drop in replacement for meetme - although does things a little differently and doesn't require a timing source.


OutCALL was designed as a commercial appplication allowing Asterisk users integration with Microsoft Outlook with placing and receiving phone calls.

After over 1000 downloads as a free application, Bicom Systems Ltd. has decided to offer OutCALL in open source format in order to further stimulate development of Asterisk and related open source projects.


VMukti is leading Asterisk/ Yate enabled p2p Video IP Communications Suite for Web / PSTN. These serverless broadband ready platform enable OS community to save 90% on capital & operating costs over proprietary software for conferencing & Call Center.

Note from editor: I've personally never managed to get this working - drop me a line if you do get it all set up and going.


asterCRM is a call center software for asterisk based VoIP system, also it has some CRM functions. It provides useful features such as pop-up, predictive dialer, click to call, extension status .... astercrm could work with all asterisk based system.


astercc is a realtime billing solution for asterisk, could work with all kinds of asterisk based system and no need do any change to your original system. astercc could be used for hosted callshop solution, pbx billing solution.


IAXmodem is a software modem written in C that uses an IAX channel (commonly provided by an Asterisk PBX system) instead of a traditional phone line and uses a DSP library instead of DSP hardware chipsets.

Asterisk PBX Integration Zimlet

Asterisk PBX Integration Zimlet is an Extension for Zimbra Collaboration Suite. The Zimlet does Interface with the Asterisk Manager Interface to integrate with Asterisk PBX. The main focus is dial-on-click for Phone numbers inside Contacts and Emails.

AsterFax - Asterisk Email to Fax Gateway

AsterFax provides an Email to Fax gateway for Asterisk. AsterFax lets you send an email by Fax. Enter the phone no. in the 'To' address, compose your email message and click send. You can also fax a MS-Word document or other attachment.

Asterisk Monitor

Asterisk Monitor is a HTML interface that acts a operator pannel for asterisk to display user/peer status and calls. This uses a reverse AJAX, PHP and Python to originate, transfer and hangup calls, manage queues and meetme rooms.

The OpenBTS Project is an effort to construct an open-source GSM basestation using the USRP and the Asterisk VoIP PBX. Our goal is to enable a new type of hybrid GSM/VoIP cellular network for greenfield deployments in the developing world.

Asterisk .NET

The Asterisk .NET library consists of a set of C# classes that allow you to easily build applications that interact with an Asterisk PBX Server (1.0/1.2/1.4 version). Both FastAGI and Manager API supported. .NET/Mono compatible.

AGX's Asterisk Extra AddOns

Maintained version of old asterisk applications ported to 1.4 that for copyright reasons cannot be included into official Digium's releases and that for some reason the author is not keeping up-to-date. The project also require Zaptel instead of DAHDI.


AstTapi, an opensource Asterisk Tapi driver for windows. This allows users of TAPI compliant applications such as Outlook and Act to dial contacts directly from the application using an Asterisk PBX Server.


A java interface for Asterisk - allows you to write software in Java which will work with Asterisk.


A lightweight cross platform IP telephony client using the IAX protocol, designed for use with the Asterisk open source PBX.

Asterisk Desktop Manager

A desktop application for managing Asterisk including screen pops etc - looks quite nice but haven't tried it.

Asterisk JTAPI

Asterisk-JTAPI is a JTAPI implementation for the Asterisk software PBX system. JTAPI is a provider independent programming interface for Java to build applications for computer telephony or to add support for it. JTAPI covers a wide range of usage scenarios starting from controlling a single telephone to a whole PBX system for example in call-centers.

Asterisk-JTAPI builds on top of two other projects: Asterisk-Java, which provides a Java interface to the Asterisk manager API, and, GJTAPI, which provides a general framework for JTAPI interfaces.


Web interface to Asterisk voicemail written in php. Includes some AJAX components such as LDAP-suggest, and user-lookup. Includes screens for forward by email and sms configuration.

Druid is an open source unified communications platform, built around technology such as Asterisk, IMAP, XMPP. Druid gives your organization access to the best available IP communications platform that bringing together voicemail, VOIP, mobile phone, faxes and instant messaging.


VICIDIAL is a set of programs that are designed to interact with the Asterisk Open-Source PBX Phone system to act as a complete inbound/outbound call center suite.

The agent interface is an interactive set of web pages that work through a web browser to give real-time information and functionality with nothing more than an internet browser on the client computer.

Asterisk Queue/CDR Log Analyzer

The Asterisk Queue (and CDR) Log Analyzer is a set of PHP scripts which allow selecting, listing and graphing of records from the Asterisk Queue and CDR logs via a WEB interface.

For easier access to select specific log records, the Queue and CDR logs need to be in a MySQL database. Asterisk itself records (specified in a conf file) CDR data into a MySQL database table. A Python utility program called loadq.py is provided with this package which can be used to load queue log records (as they are created) into a MySQL database table.

Asterisk WEB/PHP Event Monitor

The Asterisk Event Monitor WEB/PHP Interface was created to view the current state of Asterisk and all Asterisk Events via a WEB interface. It does not poll Asterisk for these events, instead it collects them in a MySql database via an Asterisk Manager API python script. AJAX (Javascript) is used to display the events from the database almost as they occur. All code is released under the GNU GPL license.

Crystal Recording Interface

CRI (Crystal Clear Recording Interface) provides an intelligence web interface to track is recordings and his voice mail

Features :

Access your voicemail recordings.
Setup your voice mail box
View summary of your incoming outgoing calls
Search calls and recordings by day and time.
Call monitor recordings.


XiVO is a full PBX solution based on Asterisk with a user-friendly web interface, provisioning tools for many types of phones, CTI daemon and CTI client for Windows, Linux and MacOS. All solutions are released under GPLv3. Currently only released in French, but easy to translate in other languages, XiVO provides administrators with a simple to configure phone system.

You can find a demo on https://demo.xivo.fr with login root and password proformatique so you can try it out for yourself.

On the first page you have a dashboard for monitoring all processes and you can choose PBX on the menu to administer your PBX. It's not based on Freepbx or other existing software, it's a full development from scratch.

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